Building Fund

We have been in our current store front location for 17 years and we have paid rent for this building at a high cost for the entire time.  God has helped me to grow as a pastor and an under shepherd.  God has matured the people of our church.  We are an inner-city work that has a large amount of people passing through in a transient style typical of our locality.  God has placed members in this church body to stay and serve the Lord with us.  Our son-in-law and our daughter are working with us.  My sister has been with us serving in the church since 2000.  God has put our hearts here and we seek to see the work grow.

Recently my wife drove by a building close to our house, seeing a for sale sign. This building is only one mile from our current location and one block off of the same busy Hillside Avenue Street. I have prayed for years to obtain a building for our church in the same neighborhood and the same busy Hillside Avenue.  This is crucial!  If we move too far away or into a residential area, it will negate much of the outreach we have done in this area and make us less visible—location is critical! I have discussed this with our sending church pastor, Bill Norton.  Our sending church he pastors is praying for us and supportive of this endeavor. He has presented this to our home church he pastors to seek their prayers and greater support. I have discussed this with Brother Bob Larson, our BIMI Field Director.  He has sought and received the support of the BIMI Leadership Committee for this project as we seek to raise funds. 

This building has 2100 square feet of area on the first floor and 2100 square feet on the lower floor.  The auditorium needs very little work currently.  The lower level has a kitchen, three bathrooms, a large room for fellowships and for children's church.  There is an apartment on the third floor that is large enough for a single adult or a couple.  We will need to put bathrooms on the main floor to be handicap accessible.  The lot size is 50 feet by 177 feet.  There is parking in the front and back totaling 8 spaces, with the ability to have additional parking on the property if renovated.

Tremendous Opportunity!  

We have been praying and giving to the building fund diligently for over three years now.  We are very excited about this new opportunity!  This building has everything we have been praying for;  with an auditorium twice the size we currently have, many more classrooms to use for Sunday School, parking, and a kitchen!  We believe this is the building God wants us to have.  Pray with us and ask God what you are able to do to enable us to have a place to grow and minister to more people!  New York City has an estimated 12 million people, and our area is 230 thousand people with only one Independent Baptist Church!  We are glad to be here and seek God's help to further the work He has given us!

Building Fund

1st Fundraising Goal
Goal $260,000

$34,540 raised by GLBC-our church
$147,607 raised from other churches
$181,820 Total raised by 4-16-19

$78,180 needed to be raised

2nd Fundraising Goal
Monthly support for Mortgage (for 2-3 years)

50 churches @ $ 50.00 monthly